I've written a sample Jarc web app for Google App Engine.
Overview of the code
(Wine id Long description String rating String created Date )This uses SML format to define the JDO object to persist in App Engine. The script src/mkjdo.arc converts this into a Java class.
(use 'jtml) (def /home (req res) (html (head (title "WineRecord - What wines did I like?") (link rel "stylesheet" src "winerecord.css") (script src "http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.4.1/jquery.min.js") (script "$(document).ready(function() { $(\"input:text:first\").focus(); });")) (body (div (with-open db (getPersistenceManager pmf*) (form action "/add" method "POST" (tab (let wines (execute (newQuery db "select from wine.Wine order by created desc range 0,500")) (tr (th "Buy Again?") (th "Wine") (th "Date Added") (th)) (each wine wines (tr (td wine!description) (td wine!rating) (td wine!created) (td (a href (string "/edit?id=" wine!id) "Edit"))))) (tr (td (text name "description" size 56)) (td (select name "rating" (option "yes") (option "no") (option "maybe"))) (td (submit value "Add Wine")) (td))))) (a href "/export" "Export Wines") " " (a href "/import" "Import Wines")))))
The above is just an excerpt. You can also view the complete winerecord.arc
No, it doesn't use the standard arc html package. I think it would be difficult to make that work since it would require serializing closures to make them available in multiple web servers.The jtml package uses SML format which has a direct mapping to XHTML. So the tag names should be familiar to anyone familiar with HTML. The only additions to HTML in jtml are abbreviations for input tags based on the type, for instance you can do:
(text name "name" value "foo")instead of requiring
(input type "text" name "name" value "foo")Although the latter works also.
Given my rant about the advantages of saving one token you might wonder why I didn't abbreviate the html tags to within and inch of their lives. Well, in this case, I think leveraging compatibility with HTML is more valuable. And you can create your own macros to abbreviate it however you like. It doesn't have to be part of the Jarc language, unlike the Java access syntax which does have to be part of the language.
Jarc has it's own HttpRequest class which supports lookup using apply, so the code can do:
... req!rating ...Instead of
... (getParameterValue req "rating") ...
The JDO class created from src/wine.sml is Wine.java in package "wine". See build.xml where mkjdo is called (around like 32). The second argument to mkjdo is the Java package name to use. I couldn't get App Engine to work if the JDO object was in the default package.
Features of the JDO Wine class
- Supports lookup using apply - wine!created
- Supports sref - (= wine!created ...)
- Has a constructor that takes a map to init the object - (new wine.Wine (getParameterMap req))
- Has a putAll method to update the object - (putAll wine (getParameterMap req))
Source code and Running App
You can download the entire source from http://bitbucket.org/jazzdev/winerecord/ and you can play with the running app at http://winerecord.appspot.com